t h e a r t a n d p h o t o g r a p h y o f
b r a n d o n h a y m a n
I always take too long writing these things. It's not easy to write about oneself.
Look. I love photography like a fat kid loves chocolate. I should know, I was a fat kid and I loved chocolate. Particularly chocolate chips all nestled in a little round cookie house all warm and soft and delicious in my mouth...moving on.
I love light. I love capturing and documenting and not thinking about why, but just that if I don't do it, nobody will. I also think that no one takes photos how I like so I'm happy when people let me take their photos because I know they'll look good in them.
I'm an artist at heart. I love old things. I drink a lot of coffee. I can be funny if need be, but never am under pressure. I have an amazing wife and two great kids that I love more than life. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ and I buy all the things He said. To the letter. I'm thankful for the life I have and would never change it for the world.
See, done. Well that wasn't that bad.